Renishaw Merlin Datasheet

At the heart of the system is a 250m range laser scanner and a GPS receiver, which together provide accurately time-tagged survey data. Merlin supports the long-range lidar scanning of all above-water features associated with rivers, canals, coastlines and offshore areas. It will integrate with your vessel’s existing hydrographic equipment, enabling data capture above and below the waterline simultaneously.

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Download Novatel Connect 1.8

NovAtel Connect™ is a windows-based GUI that allows you to access your receiver’s many features without the need to use a terminal emulator or to write special software. Connect lets you easily communicate and configure your receiver via serial port, USB or ethernet connection using a PC running the Windows 7 or Windows 10 operating system.


Source: “Support Information.” NovAtel. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 June 2017.

How to disable decoding of navigation message for each GNSS signal?

DATADECODESIGNAL signaltype switch

If you want to disable decoding of Beidou B1 D1 navigation message on FlexPak6, send the command:
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